Happy Halloween!
I always like to keep you on your toes as to when I will email, which is why I never say which day it is. :) Elder Sitati of the Seventy actually visited us yesterday at our Zone conference which is why I didn't email. I'm not sure I mentioned anything about it, but I have actually known for about two and a half months that he was coming, so it was anticipated. It was amazing.
A ghetto pumpkin and honeydew to carve! |
Moreover, this week we have seen a lot of tender mercies so I want to write a list of these moments:
-I think the Lice is gone!
-Luis and Leo got baptized. I will include pictures even though I wasn't there for either. :)
-Last night we talked about baptism to a part-member family and, emotional after reading 2 Nephi 31, the non-member wife said to her husband, "you know I feel something when the missionaries come over. I always have. I've prayed sincerely about baptism before and I've wanted to do it." She proceeded to mention how it was very hard for her because she saw her husband, and he didn't go to church ever so she didn't feel like it would be her family making the step together if she got baptized. The husband got emotional and it was a moment of true repentance, I think, on part of the whole family. The spirit was so tangible. So, so tangible.
Today at the pupusería we got this note in place of our check, "check is paid by the Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your service". ❤️ It made me want to cry. Good people are out there!
The pupusería. It's called Nurias for anyone who is visiting New
York and wants to try it. Get the revuelta pupusas.
-On Sunday it rained all day. So what did we do? Why, we knocked, of course! But, this wasn't just rain. This was drenching rain. And I don't quite have a raincoat. So, I was just soaking as I talked to people on their doorsteps and pulled cards out of my bag as my fingers were dripping water (umbrellas are for the weak). Then, we met a lady who suspiciously said, "are you the Jehovah's Witness?"
"No, we're the Mormons!" We replied.
"Well then, come in!" (This conversation was in Spanish). I apologized many times for my dripping wet everything and she just kept saying, "well, that's why I have a mop." We taught Rosa most of the Restoration and are planning on teaching her the rest on our next visit on Friday!
-We met a deaf man on the subway who just lit up my life. He was so sweet! I did my best to move my hands in a game of charades in which I pulled out a couple of my ASL skills and called up the ASL sisters to communicate for me, and he is way interested! He was so sweet and I had a smile plastered over my face the rest of the night. We got McDonalds ice cream to celebrate.
-We sang every Spanish hymn that isn't in English during language study and it was so awesome. There are so many good hymns out there!
-We (kinda) got Cristian on date! It's complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Some investigators just feel like they have to know everything before they get baptized and they don't believe us when we say they don't! It's so irritating!
Pumpkin-headed picture! |
Oh no! Lady liberty is falling. |
She survived it! Whew. |
NYC and the Statue of Liberty |
-Elder Sitati Mission Tour/ Zone Conference (mega-mega-Zone since it was zones 1-5):
Question President Reynolds asked: what is your favorite BOM scripture on missionary work?
Answers: Alma 12, Mosiah 28:3, Jacob 5:71-72, Alma 30:33-34, Alma 27:17, Alma 31:35, Alma 29, WOM 1:7, Alma 26:22, Alma 37:33-34, 2 Nephi 26:27-28, Alma 26:11-13, Alma 13:24, 3 Nephi 5:13, Alma 26:27.
Mine: 3 Nephi 5:13. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Alma 37:7. Small and simple means.
President's: Helaman and the stripling warriors. Obedience with exactness.
When we shared these I felt joy. Excited. Comforted. Psyched. I felt the spirit. "It's not two years it's your whole life."
Of course it is hard ("Some people struggle with just air some days." -PR), but isn't is great? Isn't the work of Salvation awesome?
Conference companion picture at the Elder Sitate conference |
Everyone already knows that I love and admire President and Sister Reynolds, but Elder Sitati started talking about how very carefully Mission Presidents are chosen and narrowed down from over 5,000 names to about 130 each year and how very good of men they are. And their wives, as well. He talked about how their interest in their missionaries isn't just for the mission but extends long after. And, naturally, proceeded with, "President, are you a sealer yet?" (Someone who marries people in temples). *shakes head* "well, by the time all of you get married he will probably be a sealer and there will be nothing that makes him happier than seeing your eternal happiness." Mission Presidents are so great, aren't they? I'm so grateful to have the Reynolds.
Some other great things Elder Sitati said:
"We will have challenges. It is better for us to have those challenges when we have all our feet inside the gospel." (Talking about families raised inside the gospel).
"When they have expressed the deep feelings of their heart, the spirit will prompt you to say what will be helpful to them." Elder Sitati encouraged us to stay as long in the appointment as we need to have them open up and share the desires of their heart.
"No, you don't have to trust yourself, you only have to trust the Lord."
Have the determination to do whatever the Lord will tell you in prayer, even if it is hard.
Forget yourself and focus on the work. Stop thinking "am I able to do this?" "Of course you are not! But with him you are."
It was a blessing to meet Elder Sitati and his wife. Like I said earlier, being on a mission is just the best!
Love you all,
Hermana Ally Voss