Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Sunday, October 22, 2017

¿Cuando son los bautizos de Octubre?

September 25th, 2017

We visited LaGuardia for Preparation Day last week! They were even handing out little souvenirs. :) I have a stress-reliever model plane now.
Laguardia Airport has some "fly" attractions. ;-)

An amazing day in the life of Sister Voss:

The next day was interviews with President Reynolds. I am so grateful for him and all he does. His calling isn't an easy one and he is so amazing in his fulfillment of it. Talk about magnifying your calling! I love President and Sister Reynolds with all my heart. After interviews they started asking us who we wanted to be the new Assistants. So... naturally we mentioned our picks (though they are probably like 100% wrong). We shall see!

During interviews a text came into our phone:

"Hola H. Reeve y H. Voss. Espero estén bien. Gracias como siempre por su tiempo y dedicacion. Solo queria preguntar cuando son los bautizos de octubre? Y también decirles que estuve leyendo Nefi capitulo 31 el cual habla practicamente sobre el bautismo y sus beneficios y responsabilidades. También les informo que el proximo martes cambiaré mi calendario de trabajo para poder asistir a la reunion de las 7 y 30 p.m. gracias y les deseo feliz dia."

Our investigator decided to be baptized! And guess what? He and our other golden investigator even came to church for their first time on Sunday! The Ward is so excited for them. Granted, members bring friends every week so it isn't like investigators aren't coming, but two new prospects are always quite exciting. Especially when us as missionaries put so much effort and work into getting them there. :)

And to make that day EVEN BETTER as we were strolling along the busy New York sidewalks and justo about to enter into our apartment complex Dustin a local English-speaking Mormon member asked us what we were doing. We explained how we were going to eat dinner and he asked what sort of dinner. We explained that maybe some cold cereal or rice would be involved and he told us to go down the street and ring his apartment and his wife would let us in and feed us dinner. We followed the instructions and partook of glorious chile, fritos, and cornbread. With Magnum salted caramel chocolate bars to conclude. It was quite magical.
Lil investigator with a big heart.

Where was Elder Lammi for this picture?
However, sadly several high magnitude earthquakes shook Mexico that day which was sobering because of the many members of our ward with family there. However all seem to be fine, which is a blessing.

What to NOT say to your almost-30-year-old bishop in Ward council:

*talking about an investigator*

Bishop: "¿Él es joven?"

Me: "No - tiene como su edad."

*room erupts into laughter* *it dawns on me what I just said*

Bishop: "Nunca he escuchado esto! Entonces tiene como pica de treinta años y es viejo como yo!"

But what they didn't realize is that I thought he meant 'joven' as in youth (like church youth group age so like 12-18) not as in just plain young! Eep. Haha but it makes for a good story. And Obispo doesn't seem to have any hard feelings.
 I'm a midget and she is a giant. Tall companions are the worst ;-)

Valentina is precious❤️
Random things that happened:

We went on exchanges with the amazing Sisters Stubbs and Amaro.

We coerced Sister Reynolds into coming on exchanges with us next week!

I ate an amazing S'mores Honey Bread at Caffe Bene. It was dripping in chocolate and whipped cream. 1,000 calories never tasted so good!
Honey bread: S'mores addition. <3
We ate apple pie at Women's Conference. It was delicioso.

We saw a drunk fight break out yesterday and also there was another awesome Hispanic parade on 37th Avenue yesterday! Much loud music and crazy skirts.

My 30-Day unlimited MetroCard expired and we had to walk to the church to get a new one.

Spiritual Thought (courtesy of Women's Conference):

"When we sin, we are less worthy. But we are never worth less." -Joy D. Jon?

I know that God sees us each with unimaginable individual worth and on my mission I have been able to see if even a bit of what he feels for each of his children. I know he loves each of you and I love each of you as well.


Hermana Ally Voss

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