Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

'Completo'-ly Blessed in Queens

¿Que tal, amigos?

Well this week was filled with mini-miracles and we found SO many people to teach!
The elders took a picture of us in a five minute prayer with a new investigator at a park!
I wondered if it was because we got up at 5:30am to take our investigator to church or because we were extra-super obedient or if it was because we were humbling ourselves and repenting more or maybe because we invited members to all of our lessons or because we involved the bishop or because we were even just trying to be better people. And I think all of those things probably helped to contribute to our blessed week. But it is no wonder, given we just heard that Sister McDowell's entire family fasted for our teaching pool in addition to our personal efforts. I felt very blessed this past week. We had two investigators at church, found seven new investigators (several of which just walked up to us and asked about our church and how they could find happiness in life), and I'm not even sure how we had enough time to find that many people because our week was filled with Mega-Zone and Youth Conference, and meetings like Correlation and District Meeting.
Us at 6:00am picking up an investigator
We bought $10 cute Mexican dresses and I loved it so much  I had to take a picture.

We saw Sister Persinger's randomly in Jackson Heights on his business trip!
Sister Petersen took us to Costco!
All of our lovely sisters! <3
 When we do our best, the Lord supplements our efforts!
Even though I felt so tired that I almost fell asleep around five times in church, the Lord helped our investigators come and blessed us with finding two investigators after church. 

When I felt bashful and shy about our workshop in MegaZone, the Lord helped me afterwards to see that even though I may be weak in leadership skills or teaching skills, I have a strength in talking to others and sharing what I believe with everyone around me. I may not be a loud example to others, but I'm okay at being a quiet one. :)
We had exchanges with Sister Borges and Sister Romney this week. They are both dear and sweet and wonderfully hard workers. Sister Romney has been in the mission for about three weeks and is killing it in Queens YSA.
We made lasagna, baked oatmeal, and ice cream with chocolate chip cookies for their exchange. Yummm. I think that in between dinners at Sister Petersen's and dinners for the sisters I gained a couple of pounds (and walked it off when the busses skipped us on Sunday).
On Sunday it was super funny in church when one of the Releif Society sisters was reading aloud and accidentaly said, "jugo de esclavitud" rather than, "yugo de esclavitud." What is the difference? The yoke of bondage versus the juice of bondage! Our investigator *burst* out laughing (and everyone else as well - including the sister) and we all had a good laugh.
Cool murals next to a police station.
Also, shoutout to Sister Chung because this week I ate Chilean "completos"! They are hotdogs with avocado and tomato and everything good in the world. <3 They made me think of her and miss my little Chilean. I love her.
I love and miss all of you! I have been thinking this week about how before my mission by mom said, "You'll probably finally get to experience living in the city which you've said you have wanted to do your whole life. And, you'll get to decide whether you like it or not."  I used to dream about living in New York City and Brooklyn and on my mission I have been able to live those dreams. I was on the fence whether I was a "city girl" when I lived in Brooklyn. I loved it, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't totally convinced I could live in the city for longer than just my mission. Getting used to the city again I realize that maybe I wasn't convinced before, though now I can say that I think I would be perfectly fine living in the city - even after the mission.
Exchanges with sisters Borges and Romney :)
My spiritual thought this week is just the overused, "obedience brings blessings. Exact obedience brings miracles." It's true! If one obeys the commandments, one will receive more blessings than they ever could have dared imagine. I testify of that.
A true Brooklynite and Queens-dweller (I'm not sure the term used here yet),
Hermana Ally Voss

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