Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Weekly 7/10 (my absolute favorite day of the year other than all my other favorite days) or "Just Don't Die in Tha Hood" (taken from a cool piece of grafitti this week)

Well, I am very sad to say Sister McDowell and I are doomed to forever only do one-and-dones. She is, as of this morning, OUT. :( I feel under-qualified to continue the work without her, but I pray that the Lord will help me and my new companion in our efforts to find, teach, and baptize the people here in New York.
Just don't die in tha hood!

Sadly, we learned that one of our most progressing investigators is moving! This week! I am a bit heartbroken, given the good relationship we have developed. However, I know the members of Staten Island will be good to her and I am praying for her continued success in the gospel in Staten.

Also, we have decided that one of our other most progressing investigators should probably be taught by the elders. Sadly, there are many needs of investigators that can sometimes only be met by different sets of missionaries. I feel confident that Elders Franco and Carlson will teach him well, though. And I look forward to his baptism in the next two weeks. :)

One of the Elder's investigators whom I love dearly is to be baptized this coming Saturday! She and her daughter have become dear friends to me and I look forward to seeing them continue to become a part of our wonderful ward. We also look forward to going to the temple with our recent convert Jose Luis in two weeks! It won't be the same without Sister McDowell, but I know that Jose's first time in the temple will be only augmented by what she taught him while she was here.
The Unisphere!
Pictures from the site of the 1964-1965 World's Fair!

Sister McDowell has taught me a lot. Charity, Christ-like service, and many ways to be more competent and successful in the work. I know as I follow her model and example I will be able to succeed in my mission and in many aspects of my life. So it is a sad day in some ways, but we have much to which we look forward. Please pray for our continued success in finding new people to teach in the coming weeks whom we can bring to church and help prepare for baptism. I want to start my second decade of life with a bang, so I am hoping we can work and work and work and teach and preach like missionaries do!
A lovely flower from the festival
More from World's Fair site
Pancake breakfast on July 4th!
A patriotic fire station!

It poured rain, but we still have to work...
Yesterday ended my teens with a fun finale as well. There was a Colombian flower festival on the street we live so we enjoyed proselyting with the many many Colombians who live near us. We received flowers and saw floats and many traditions from the town of MedellĂ­n. Moreover, I had the exquisite opportunity of petting a squirrel. It came up to me with a peanut in its mouth and I couldn't help but pet the cute thing. Also, we met an awesome potential who had a teacup maltese named Pnina. It was the best lapdog I have yet met in my life, given she sat on me and yet only took up maybe a quarter of the space she had. Of course my favorite part was her owner's willingness to learn the gospel. So many of the people here have true desires to follow Christ's plan for them.
Columbian Festival of Flowers

Cute dog from the festival. Can you guess  their flag colors?
To be repetitive, I have to again share of my gratitude for all the amazing people who worked to make our nation free. For those who died, for those who participated, and for those whose memories live on to this day. I have an especial amount of respect for George Washington, our first president. As we stood on our roof and watched the many fireworks fired off in Manhattan's firework show, I thought of how grateful I am for this country and how I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Long live America and her religious freedom. <3

Quotes of the week

"I've always wanted to climb up the fire escapes onto the roof like they do in movies.... And today is the fourth of July... so, we could probably climb up onto the roof to see the show from Manhattan.... Can we please?" -me.
"That's why they say sight and sound. Cause if you can't see 'em and if you cant hear 'em, they're probably dead." -Hna. McDowell on me choking on a spree while she was in the bathroom.

I love you all! We are off to get crepes, and maybe to also go to Cheesecake Factory for strawberry shortcake and also to get a tie for our investigator and go to the lego store as per tradition and also to go to the zoo and maybe to go to the computers at the library to order a present for the Elder's investigator (did I mention I love her?) and for Hna. McDowell to send in her ecclesiatical endorsement, and for me to check when school starts.

Stay tuned for the next episode of: Just Don't Die in Tha Hood.

<3 Hermana Ally Voss

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